Are you wondering why this is the BEST DAY EVER.. It's because I got my butt out of bed at 5:30, cleaned my house, folded the laundry, made my Spark and my breakfast, and got to work on time. Those are the kind of mornings I L-O-V-E. Also the kind of mornings I need more of. I can pack a lot into the morning if I put in some effort. So, I am making plans and packing bags from here on out to help me achieve my weight loss goal.
I have been trying to decide on a "weigh in day." Monday always seems like a good day to have a fresh start. A lot of people use Wednesday. Then it hit me.. As much as I REALLY want to drop 50 pounds, I also REALLY want a smaller waist. Also, I want to focus more on eating right, so I'm deciding to weigh once a month.. Yes, you read that correctly. I am going to TRY REALLY HARD to weigh and take measurements once a month. I was so obsessed with the scale it wasn't healthy and it got me nowhere.
My workouts have also been LACK F'N LUSTER. I run 3 miles a few days a week and my weights regimen is lifting food into my mouth. A while back, I couldn't run at all. I'm still not fast, but I'm faster than I was when I was sitting my arse on the couch. My eating still sucks, but I'm aware of what I'm eating. I have food guilt. I know I shouldn't say this, but for me, I need it. I need to know those dozen cookies were BAD BAD BAD for me.
I'm sitting at my desk now making a gym, running, Advocare plan. I became an Advocare distributor this week. That's exciting. The cleanse helped me get to know my body so much. Anyway, I'll share my plan soon so everyone can hold me accountable. I find it totally ironic I pay for a running coach who gives me a plan and another plan online, still I want to make my own. One that fits my life and needs. It leads me back to the thought that every..single...person is totally different. You have to find what works for you.
So, this is what I'm telling myself.